Saturday 26 October 2013

Brief One _ 01


Editorial / Publication
A few years back every blogger wanted a magazine theme, now, trends have changed, and ‘print’ - is back.
Online resources are useful, quick and easy. But printed magazine’s / publications are more specific to certain needs and allow creatives to gain inspiration not only from the context but also from the physical touch and aesthetic feel of a magazine / publication.
Although printed products are lacking in terms of technology and access, print reaches those who cannot gain access to the ‘latest trends’ online.
As part of an Idea’s to inspire young creatives your aim is to create a monthly trend forecast magazine / publication for creative students and create ideas to inspire action within design
Consider the latest trends in design, creative, food, film and TV to encourage more young people to become inspired within the creative network. Allow for showcasing of new talent and young creative ‘s to evolve a social networking database for designers through a ‘print’ concept.
Create a network via the magazine to connect creative ‘s through opinion on trend / new ideas. 
Push the idea of inspiring action and create the monthly magazine / publication to promote creativity through young designers and creative ‘s.

As well a creating the magazine / publication, you need to create an extensive promotion program, aiming to reach the intended target audience in an inspiring and efficient way. Take into consideration price, themes, creative talents and ideas.

Monday 21 October 2013

Studioooo Publication - Initial Poems / Illustrations

Initial Illustrations:

We decided to work on an A5 basis so that the poems could work in the same scale of researched poem books. 

Taking a 'Humorous' 'Fun' and 'Light hearted' approach.Keeping an upbeat and simple approach to the design - the layout needs to be approached in a different order as do the designs and simple illustrations.
The illustration needs to be more effective and with more detail. 

Studioooo - Publication - Initial Research - Contact

‘Studioooo’ – Publication / Promotion

Set by Laura Dockrill and ‘studioooo’; The aim of this task is to produce a small poetry illustration book that will be based on a chosen theme.

The content will be tongue in cheek, light hearted and humorous, marketed toward young adults and creative ‘s. 

Visual Research on Laura Dockrill :

Everyone’s falling for Laura Dockrill’ VOGUE.
Not only author and illustrator of Mistakes In The BackgroundUgly Shy Girl and Echoes, Laura also resurrects her words on the stage performing poetry spanning festivals to bookshops; including London Literary Festival, Big Chill, E4 Udderbelly, Latitude, Kosmopolis in Barcelona and Domino festival in Brussels. Named one of the top ten literary talents by The Times and one of the top twenty hot faces to watchby ELLE magazine,
Laura continues to stir up the literary universe with her passionate, contemporary and imaginative way with words. She has performed her work on Woman’s Hour, The Huw Stephens show, The Jo Whiley show, The Verb, Newsnight, BBC Breakfast and each of the BBC’s respective radio channels 1-6.
Having recently joined the advisory panel at The Ministry Of Stories, Laura is currently writing a sitcom, creating a series of bespoke artwork pieces and writing a piece of work for a new BBC radio show.

Studioooo Communication :
Contact through twitter:

I decided to contact laura through Twitter as I felt it was a unique and intresting way to get through to her on an informal basis. I bought the book - and was automatically inspired with the process / design and poems. I brought the book to studiooooo and we decided it could be a fun and humerous process that we would love to undertake.