Friday 11 April 2014

Website RESEARCH : Media Sector

Media Website layout options:

Looking at media related internet pages allowed me to experiment with my layout options. I really like the designs used above, they are bright , fun and target a young commercial audience, which is effective in colour scheme, images and content. I think that designing something which looks fun yet professional could really push the concept and brief. 

Thursday 10 April 2014

Developing the brand - Website Concept

I really wanted the cinema to be very simple to use. i wanted to incorpate the same colour scheme as with the printed aspects. I think it would due great to tie in momevemt with the design - the images could move up and down within a defined section - allowing for movement - i think this could due effective. The website wil work on a landscape section and use majority of the screen for the site forefront. 

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Primary Research

I went down to the local cinema to try and gather some primary reearcg. I wanted to add some to the website section of my brief so it was important to gather nessacey information and visuals .The photos were not great because it was dark but it was good to see what elements of design were present. 

Sunday 6 April 2014


Developing the brand: Printed products

Working with shape, colur and the angle of the logo. Also working on developing the logo. 

I am quite happy with the overall development of my printed designs. I feel that the link between the brand and the print work is effective. 

I like the use of image and type formations within the design and think it will correlate to web and digital aspects quite well.