Saturday 2 November 2013

Illustration Research

Illustration Research
Images : Google

The illustrations for the condiments need to be visually pleasing, clear, simple or detailed and well crafted. 

Some visuals that could be effective: 

Modern Aesthetic;

Simple lines do look effective - but could get confusing to distinguish the images. 

More traditional Designs: 

The hand drawn and digitally enhanced designs work well to bring life to the illustrations. 
The full length illustration is detailed and i think could be modernised / look more modernised against some type and well thought out imagery. 

Friday 1 November 2013

Scans of Illustrations + Type

Creating Illustrations and Typeface

Upper / lower and Decretive type

Condiment Name - In type face

I think these designs work well to convey a homemade approach but i feel that they go down a very traditional route. The designs do not match brief criteria and do NOT represent a modern new design. 

Re-desiging and going back to the drawing board would be the approaparte thing to do now to rectify the designs and create a modern product range.  

Thursday 31 October 2013

Layout Experiments 01

Layout Experiments 



Creating a minimal approach. Carrying out design sheets to design experiments. Creating a simple layout that is minimal. The use of creating design sheets is effective as it allows a rough version and multiple layout options and experiments. 


As a designer, minimalism personally is the most effective type of design. It creates room for thought and allows for focus and a professional design. Using grid backgrounds allows you to pixel perfect the designs and to ganrunate a well structured design which is important for minimal design. 


Image and type working / experiments: 

The image is a valuable applicant on the design, as it has to interact with the type, content and audience.  The use of having such a minimal layout can allow for a creative and distinctive image on the design

Even objects on minimal designs work well to convey a massage. The use of using a minimal image also allows for a more dynamic approach and gives the design more depth. 

I feel that adding in layers of image and type allows for the design to feel complete and professional. The layout of the design structure needs to work with the content and portal a well finished creation. 

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Layout Concepts - Visual Research

Layout Concepts - Visual Research 
Creative / on trend / Inspiration grid formats and layout :

Bold Type : Simple Image

Minimal Approach:

A minimal approach on both pages of the spread. Image on one side, text / content on teh other. This minimal approach works well to deliver the content in an expressive and simple format. It looks clean, professional and approachable. 

 Image and Text heavy publication:

The designs look busy and full of information. The spreads are intense but the balance between type and image works well. 

Lines and columns:

To separate information and content lines and columns are used. Simple type and simple images work well with lines and column to create a professional and often formal approach. 

Simple and Effective:

Simple. Effective Design. Large image with and overlay of bold approachable type. Looks visually approachable. 

Cross Page:

Applying image across pages works well to define and highlight important images / type. This uses up space but works well against a minimal background. 

Revised Content

Revised Content:

The publication had transformed into a practical handbook and Inspirational magazine to encourage Action - in - Design. Therefore the publication will not be Free, but willl cost minim as possible to purchase. 

The Publication will be placed in areas of University shops | Cafe's | Bar's | Design Inspiration 'Areas' and 'connivence' situations. This spontaneous disparity will allow for atomic inspiration and the title of the publication should contribute to a 'intriguing' appearance. 

Name: interested?


intrested? - Interested in the bad grammar? Will it make you pick it up? Shows how people can breeze over spelling and still understand something.


It misses out the letter 'E' - shows that there may be something missing in your designs, are you interested to know what it is? 


Content of Magazine / handbook : NOT IN ORDER (Needs work of form / order) 

  • Highlight procrastination : Link to real life. "Douche Jar" - Every time you hear idiot or pretentious comments put £1 in jar ( + send in the comment) Therefore saving money for printing / resources and a Print social Network : Get people debating and discussing. 
  • Interesting things section: 5+ Articles in 1 edition. Interviews and photographs on what people of specific disciplines are interested in. Countries / Topics (e.g. sea) 
  • Where should we go : 1st hand photographs / stories / descriptions of interesting places e.g.. India, skakeparks + what it means to you. Everyday up and coming designers as well as professional designers. 
  • Quotes / Competition : could set mini briefs : quotes to inspire action - they could create visual response to quotes - could make it a competition : get people involved - send to publication. 
  • Current Trend Section: trend setters, routes of trend, trends is disinclines. ones that spread across all disciplines 
  • 1 Celebration piece each edition. Celebrate image food design method film or tv - classic - innovative - spark debate + inspire
  • A designers guide to improving / web / presentations... 3 subjects each month. Inspire different disciplines + push your ideas further. LINKS with a 'How to handle' section : within this section : how to handle criticism - important issues of feedback communicates to real life situations & assessments  feedback / deadlines.
  • Instagram : Images of designers + contact details - professional and up&coming. See what they are interested in- get audience inspired - insight into the 'everyday' life of 'creative'.
  • EXTRA: BIG Things happening in areas of the UK regarding each discipline.


Tuesday 29 October 2013

Influential Magazine Research - Layout / Concept / Design

Teaser Magazine

A large serif typeface which allows for minimal space on the cover. The large image covers teh background but is minimal enough to allow type to overlay the image. The b/w version works well to portray an upmarket approach. 

Premiss Magazine

Overlaying image and type and basing the magazine on a very heavy type based layout. The layout is quite intense and heavy but the grid system used allows us to read the content clearly and to not make the overall design seem to cluttered. 

Yorokobu Magazine

Incorporating image with type - A visual response to a norm that is usually text heavy. 

Designnet Magazine

The style of repetition and colour to draw attention to the content and the magazine, simple layout approach with added value of photography and types of type works well to inspire as inculpates a lot of visuals. 

Must Magazine

Simple layout - Minimal design - A lot of negative space is used to portray a serious and immediate visual. 

Animæ magazine

Creative layout which incapsulates colour image and type in an overlapping layout. The design works well as a whole to draw influence and attention. 

Page Magazine

Personally I am heavily drawn to this magazine's form / content and outcome. The minial layout grids used help to project specific ideas and the 'pop' and 'bursts' of colour persue insight and creation. 

Colour co-ordinating issues and creating a basic yet approachable and friendly design is a unique in terms of content but page magaizne carries it off with charm and style. 

Upstreet Magazine

Influencia Magazine

Influential layout and simple grid methods allow for a heavily illustarted publication to because instintful, insightful and interlectual with type added as back up content for imagery in a stylitic approach.