Saturday 11 January 2014

Starting on the FILM2013/14 - Website / brand

FILM2013/14 is a website that allows users to view the latest trailers and film information all in one place. The idea is to create a website that works to just focus on the trailers and films to get the audience  excited about film and new releases. I would like the design to be very clear with easy navigation. 

I started to work on the logo design. I'd like there to be a continuos colour scheme within the website. This is so it can bring all the information together.

The initial idea:

The initial idea is to create this website but change all the movie posters into a FILM2013/14 style. This would include adding the colours in. Each month the movie posters would change colour so that you could clearly see the newest trailers. I thought this could look effective and universal and allow for easy navigation throughout the website. 

I wanted to create the FILM2013/14 logo to be strong and bold. This is so that it can be used as a header on the website homepage. I have mocked up a basic wire frame that could show what pages would need to go on the website. I feel that the blue colour works well as it is bold, and works with a lot of images and type. 

I wanted the logo to portray a sense of fun and to not make it too pretentious and professional. 

I feel that having the blue background incorporated into the logo ties in with the colour them. However could this look too much?

I decided to use the square shape as it relates to the cinema big screen. I wanted everything to be big and representative of the cinema. The type is loud, it's bold and set. I feel that this will help to portray a theme throughout this brief. 

Friday 10 January 2014

Secret 7 - Photography Research

One of my initial ideas was to create a collage of lots of hands to represent the word team. identify the elements and researching this theme could inspire me or allow me to shane the idea of my concept. 

I wanted to use the polariod camera to give the image some input  The image above is very formal and may not work with my idea. 
Creating the layout : 

I really want to crack on with this brief. So I have started to play around with the layout. I have chosen to work across a section of the page so that the content and design is more focused to specific trailers or information regarding the film.


On the main navigation bar > ABOUT PAGE




The design using large type and blue line for navigation. 

This allows a simple and effective page. I wanted to create a bold and clear format. The design separates the page and the low opacity rectangle allows the type and image to work together. 

The drop down menu:

I wanted to include a drop down menu for each section of bold type. This works with the blue navigation. I made the drop down menu white and used black text and blue to work the main features.

I feel that the drop down menu does work well on the page layout. It allows for relevant information to be shown and I feel that the drop down menu scale works well.

Creating the GRID

I wanted to continue with a main image as a background. The design needs to work in a simple format once again. Relevant information needs to be displayed. 

I kept the navigation bars as they were and selected the correct page with the blue bar. 

On the previous page the user would select the genre they would like to explore.

This page would then appear.
The main information wil be displayed in the low opacity box shape. There would then be a left aligned list of links for ADVENTURE. underneath this would be relevant genre pages that is related to adventure. 

Then the trailers will be placed in the middle. I wanted to keep the content relevant and focused so I decide to only let 2-3 trailers be seen. They would work on a clickable rotation. One trailer will be prominent so all the focus comes onto the specific, enhancing the experience  as all the users attention is on one thing. There is also a drop down arrow underneath the main trailer which drops down to another low opacity box with all the relevant information on about the trailer.I feel that this is a more creative way to display the trailer and film. If the user don't want to know any information then they don't have to click the arrow and they can just focus on the trailer. 

I feel that this layout is what differs from conventional and popular film sites. I believe that the design could work cross genre and will build up anticipation and excitement for the film sand cinema experience. 

The basic layout

I have added in the rate star rating in blue which allows you to hover and the blue will appear so you can rate the trailer. I thought this would be effective and it links to the users personal page also. 

I want to experiment with the layout of all the website pages. I feel that the basic structure can be similar but it will need to be adapted to suit the content of each page. 

Thursday 9 January 2014

Change in Layout | Re-think

After looking back at the previous designs I have created i feel that it would be best to look over and re-do some of the spreads. 

I feel that the magazine needs more of a visual theme :

I have decided to include a 'pink' 'scribble' this would develop into the concept of note-taking. This could allow the 

I feel that the hint of pink brings the magazine together more and allows for a cohesive campaign. The design does however look very feminine. 

I have also re-worked the content into a simpler layout. The design works well to explore the magazine in a different look and I have added in extra features and used the underline aspect as a personal touch.

The layout is more focused now and is more legible. The layout is focused into two columns that expire the interview in a simpler form. I feel that it does look effective against a negative background and would not be as over baring. 

The idea:

This would form a unique style to the magazine front cover and the cross idea focuses on the decision to be or not to be interested in the topic. 

I felt this could be more appriatopate for the audience as it could give them a choice and allows them to be interested in. 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Collecting Relevant Images

YUM - Website Development

After a cit we had with the class, (I brought all my printed products and hand rendered type) it was decide and discussed that I should add in a form of web element to my designs to add to the print and Brand of YUM. 

I wanted the website to use simple navigation of the target audience. Using the same theme as for the business cards and incorporating image into the web may make the design work in terms of working with the print methods. 

The web pages use very little type and full screen photographs to utilise the full screen. The navigation works with a simple navigation bar at the top of the page. The website only hosts 6 web page, each with minimal type. 

I feel that the design works well on a large screen but I am optimistic about how it will look on a smaller screen and different applications. 

I mocked up a mini ipad mock up to see how the website would look:

I don't think the design is as strong. The site is too large for the screen and it doesn't fit with the image. Howver I do feel that the choice of image against the logo works well and suits the criteria.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Initial Layout

Since building on the concept and creating some design boards, I thought it would be efficient to start laying out some grids to see how the website could work. I wanted to really experiment with layout and work out how it would be used in detail.

I decided to continue with the blue theme. I incorptaed the logo into this mock up sample. I really like the layout, although the bottom section is far to big and not approbate for my design. I like how the FILM2013 is the main forces, this layout is good to inform the homepage and allows for a bold eye-catching page.

I like also how there is links and images underneath the main title. This allows the design to function on various platforms.

he design works exactly how I would like the navigation to work. With a main selection of headers and then a sub nav bar for a more detailed approach. 

I think if i play around with the layout more I could bring it to a relevant platform. 

Incorpating the logo and brighting the image. Because its on screen, the brightness of the image can be improved. I feel that this works well. The use of the bright blue on a matted grey background works well to make the main image and navigation of blue pop and really stand out. 

CHANGE FROM 2013 TO 2014

All of the images used within this do NOT belong to me, I DO NOT own any rights or copyright to the image used. I feel that I want to create a more reliant campaign, so I have changed the title to FILM2014. I have also only used images that relate to films of 2014. I wanted to create an impact and thought that using a full screen image background could draw attention.

The design throughout will focus on this layout.

Where previously there was a logo and sub headings there will be a grey overlay. This can allow for type and information to be placed over the background image. It will take up the same amount of space as the logo and images in the mockup. A small width and a focused landscape block will specialise and focus the design for the user allowing there to be more focused and relevant content. Hopefully creating a clear and impactful layout for the user.