Saturday 30 November 2013

Personal branding - initial designs

Since coming back after the christmas break I decided to start re-designing my identity. I wanted to keep some of my old features that I created last year but I feel that it really needs improving. 


Idea 1:

I really wanted to create something fun and incorporate a slightly cheeky tone of voice into my business cards. These are only experiments of ideas to see how I could focus my ideas. 

The use of bold text really appeals to me at the moment. I think that using a sans serif typeface allows the statements to look bold and effective.

Trtying to add humour and light heartedness into the designs - I don't think they look visually pleasing but I quite like the content of the designs. 

Trying to be too different - The spice design doesn't work at all. I think it needs to be of a higher standed.

Overall I do not like these designs. I think they look very poorly designed and do not translate the right idea. I want to portray a fun attitude, but i also want the designs to look professional. 

Trying to add a sense of professionalism:

I feel that i should tone down the designs from the previous. I also can't stand the red i attempted to use aslso. I have a slightly weird obsession with the colour yellow. I thought i could produce bright yellow business cards. Still attempting to communicate a fun tone, the bold text is still used, however, test designs are also just experiments. 

I wanted to put across my personality and skill set so i just the 'I' theme. This was to represent me as a designer and it allows me to add something to the end to represent me and my design. 

I feel that all these designs are very basic starting points. 
Things I like:

- Yellow

- Personal

Things I don't like:

- Bold type

- Simple layout

- Basic

- Red colour

The designs just look very basic and don't put across any personality. I really feel that I need to work on these designs and make them suit my design ethics and style. I haven't used any grid formats and feel that if i pushed the designs further I could create something representative of myself. 

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