Friday 10 January 2014

Creating the layout : 

I really want to crack on with this brief. So I have started to play around with the layout. I have chosen to work across a section of the page so that the content and design is more focused to specific trailers or information regarding the film.


On the main navigation bar > ABOUT PAGE




The design using large type and blue line for navigation. 

This allows a simple and effective page. I wanted to create a bold and clear format. The design separates the page and the low opacity rectangle allows the type and image to work together. 

The drop down menu:

I wanted to include a drop down menu for each section of bold type. This works with the blue navigation. I made the drop down menu white and used black text and blue to work the main features.

I feel that the drop down menu does work well on the page layout. It allows for relevant information to be shown and I feel that the drop down menu scale works well.

Creating the GRID

I wanted to continue with a main image as a background. The design needs to work in a simple format once again. Relevant information needs to be displayed. 

I kept the navigation bars as they were and selected the correct page with the blue bar. 

On the previous page the user would select the genre they would like to explore.

This page would then appear.
The main information wil be displayed in the low opacity box shape. There would then be a left aligned list of links for ADVENTURE. underneath this would be relevant genre pages that is related to adventure. 

Then the trailers will be placed in the middle. I wanted to keep the content relevant and focused so I decide to only let 2-3 trailers be seen. They would work on a clickable rotation. One trailer will be prominent so all the focus comes onto the specific, enhancing the experience  as all the users attention is on one thing. There is also a drop down arrow underneath the main trailer which drops down to another low opacity box with all the relevant information on about the trailer.I feel that this is a more creative way to display the trailer and film. If the user don't want to know any information then they don't have to click the arrow and they can just focus on the trailer. 

I feel that this layout is what differs from conventional and popular film sites. I believe that the design could work cross genre and will build up anticipation and excitement for the film sand cinema experience. 

The basic layout

I have added in the rate star rating in blue which allows you to hover and the blue will appear so you can rate the trailer. I thought this would be effective and it links to the users personal page also. 

I want to experiment with the layout of all the website pages. I feel that the basic structure can be similar but it will need to be adapted to suit the content of each page. 

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