Friday 17 January 2014

Secret 7 : Initial Response

  • Original Concept
    The orginal idea was to use the word 'team' literally. I wanted to create a sense of collabaration and togetherness so that the designs portrayed Lorde's idea of being on the same team. I took polaroids of hands tied together to show unity but i felt that it wasn't a strong enough approach. 

    I took some scans of my designs to see what the process would be. I decided to use polaroid to utilise the 'independent' music that Lorde creates. I thought that it would also give a nice approach to the photographs.

I got the concept of this image i found when i typed in TEAM to google. 

My Scans:

I feel that these images do not work with what I imagined. The photographs are not detailed enough and the style of image doesn't work as it looks to busy. 

Before I go any further, I think that attempting to manipulate the image could work quite well to ensure a proper use of time and to see if the original concept can be improved / strong enough. 

I manipulated the image into a combination of images. I feel that the design is way to simple and doesn't portray the sense and concept of the specific lyrics that originally was planned. 

How to improve:

The design could improve by adding texture, or some form of fluidity. I think that this could symbolise unity and team in a none obvious way which could be more throughout provoking.


I decided to take certain aspects of the images of the hand scans and manipulate them to create a pattern / texture:

This image to far to green for the idea but the movement the image goes i feel works well, however it needs a lot of work. 

I attempted to add texture and tone to develop the image but I still feel that it could be more original. I think I may have to go back to paper to get the exact affect I need.

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