Saturday 1 March 2014

Beauty Application Research

To enhance the brand we decided to focus attention on an online presence.

We are keen to develop and application:

These is some research to help inform our ideas:

Interactive Aspects:

Splitting the app into interactive aspects appeals more to the audience. It allows for detail and personal use and exploration of the appa dn what it has to offer.


A simple layout is key. 
These designs allow for easy navigation as well as trying to keep that page interesting and relevant for the intended audience.


The content is very important to the app. You need to make sure the pages you add are relevant and will peruse the audience to use the app and explore its facilities


Can;t be too girly. It puts people off. The colours should be appealing but not over the top so the audience can fous and it doenst make the brand look tacky and unprofessional. 

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