Tuesday 20 May 2014

FILM2014 Evaulation

Brief: Cinema Brand and Identity

Brief: Cinema Brand and Identity


Your aim is to create a ‘new’ experience of that will excite, promote and entertain the public and film lovers. You will have to create a brand of cinema that is desirable in public opinion to enhance cinema viewing. Create a fixture on the community entertainment calendar, with various deals, which encourage public to be enticed, and to boost cinema revenue.

The ‘event’ of cinema itself is much more than a ‘cinema experience’ now, as it now includes socializing, fine dining and bars therefore cross-promotion will be a key feature in the branding of a cinema.

Processes:  Website, Binding

Final Outcome:  Website, User Manual


This brief was one of my favorite briefs to complete. It allowed me to really home in on an area that I felt needed addressing. It was a forefront for the cinema brief and aimed to generate excitement and anticipation from the audience. I feel that the brief went well, but I could of improved it by creating or at least starting to code the website. I really pushed the concept with this brief exploiting new films and creating a database for content to be stored and viewed in a simple formant allow the main points to be portrayed clearly.

Throughout the brief I explored and pushed my skills in layout and digital design and created a publication that reflected the navigation of the website. I thought these skills really helped me to portray the message and concept clearly. I feel that the brief hit some up and downs and that it was important to gather feedback from people to keep on track with the designs. If I had more time with the brief I would start to expand the brief and code sections for it. I feel that this would improve my web design and give me more of an insight to see what works on web and what doesn’t.  This could improve my layout skills as I’d have more of an understanding.

I like the look of my finished designs and feel that they work well to relate film and simple navigation. The use of images within the design brings the page to life I feel and makes the website look professional. I do feel that this brief took up quite a lot of time within my practice and stopped me from working on other briefs. It took up a lot of time gathering images and creating pages and layout variation for each page and how it would work for the user. I could really improve on this in the future in order to create an outcome in a quicker time period.

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