Tuesday 20 May 2014

Talenthouse Evaulation

Brief : Talenthouse Competition 


Top movie studio Lionsgate invite artists, designers and creative minds to create a limited edition promotional poster for the new movie Filth.

Processes:  Digital print

Final Outcome:  A2 Poster, Mock Ups 


This was a day brief that I did to re-establish my skills with layout and poster design. It also links to the sectors I am interested in working in. As the brief was to illustrate the films concept the concept for the poster was kind of already decided.  

I am quite happy with the final design I created. I wanted to portray the two sides of the films main character but in a subtle manner. The concept really works to relate to the film but I think the final design was maybe to ‘grided’ and formatted for the type of poster.

If I could develop the design I would create  more of a concept and devlop te idea futher maybe building and photography something that related to the film to add in a different approach to the project.

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