Tuesday 20 May 2014

Elmwood Brand the Boring Evaulation

Brief  ‘Brand the Boring


‘Brand the Boring.’ 
Is a brief set my Elmwood Studio Leeds for LCA BA Hons Graphic Design students. The aim of the brief was to create a brand surrounding a chosen sector. 
After being given a randomly selected word I then had to create a brand including the name and make it more interesting. The brief had to be completed as a 'quick turn around' so I had to go with some of the first ideas I generated. 

Processes: Concept

Final Outcome:  Logo & Brand, Strong Concept, Presentation, Range of print products


This brief was a good brief to undergo as it reinforced my association with branding and concept design. I feel that this is where I started to turn as a designer in 3rd year and started to become more focused. The brief allowed us to generate creative concepts for ‘boring’ businesses. Initially I thought it would be quite difficult to create but after extensive research ideas and development started to progress.

Throughout this brief, although it was short I developed many skills that started to re-focus my design and my motivation. I learned skills in research, presentation and idea generation, which I believe, are all massively vital parts of design. I learned that extensive research can really help you to get to know you target audience and allows you copy and tone of voice to represent them. It also opens you up to colour schemes, ideas and develops you thinking. One of the objectives was to produce a presentation pitch, I thought this was very beneficial as it allowed me to prep and present to a professional client. The presentation was an effective way to produce a final outcome and to represent your ideas. This taught me to be confident and have belief in my work. I thought hat I applied these skills quite well and was picked to do a presentation. I thought this was a great brief to look at my idea generation and I feel that I applied it well to my design to focus the concept in a clever way adding personality and charter to the brand and making it ‘live’ rather then just being a logo.

I feel that my approaches to my design such as numerous brainstorms and design sheets really helped me to create my final outcome. This was effective as I could see all the stages of my design. I really wanted to focus on idea generation, and by doing design sheets you could clearly see my processes pattern.

If I had more time I would defiantly chose to focus more on this brief. We were given 1 week to complete the brief. I thought the time frame was appliance and represented of the professional world, which allowed me to really focus my idea. I thought the brief was great in allowing me to experiment with conceptual thinking and really push my ideas. I would develop the brief further and create more designs if I had the time but I think the overall presentation really was the final outcome for me and taught me a lot.

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