Tuesday 20 May 2014

Interested Publication Evaulation

Brief : Editorial Publication


A few years back every blogger wanted a magazine theme, now, trends have changed, and ‘print’ - is back.
Online resources are useful, quick and easy. But printed magazine’s / publications are more specific to certain needs and allow creatives to gain inspiration not only from the context but also from the physical touch and aesthetic feel of a magazine / publication.
Although printed products are lacking in terms of technology and access, print reaches those who cannot gain access to the ‘latest trends’ online.

As part of an Idea’s to inspire young creative your aim is to create a monthly trend forecast magazine / publication for creative students and create ideas to inspire action within design.

Consider the latest trends in design, creative, food, film and TV to encourage more young people to become inspired within the creative network. Allow for showcasing of new talent and young creative ‘s to evolve a social networking database for designers through a ‘print’ concept.

Create a network via the magazine to connect creative ‘s through opinion on trend / new ideas. 

Push the idea of inspiring action and create the monthly magazine / publication to promote creativity through young designers and creative ‘s.

As well a creating the magazine / publication, you need to create an extensive promotion program, aiming to reach the intended target audience in an inspiring and efficient way. Take into consideration price, themes, creative talents and ideas.

Processes:  Stock Consideration, Binding

Final Outcome:  74 page Newspaper + Website


Working with this brief really allowed me to work on my layout skills. The designs within the publication were varied to work with the concept. I really enjoyed this brief and worked hard on gaining a lot of primary research to inform my content. My skills in research developed a lot with this brief as the content was driven by primary sources. It also helped to introduce me into the professional world and taking interviews, which really made my confidence, grow in terms of professional aspects. 

I used various design processes to figure out the best method of printing and stock consideration. I thought this would take time ad it allowed me to work on my concept also. I feel that the layout of the newspaper was defiantly strength within my design. I really enjoyed working with grid and mage/type to create a relevant and interesting concept and body of work.

I think I could of really improved my designs with more time. I wanted to expand the website section of the brief to give it clarity and create more web pages but it ran past my allocated deadline. I think this would have improved the brief and given it more depth. The colour scheme worked on both print and web, but again, I would like to develop this to see how it could be improved.

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